2024-12-04 (Wednesday)

[EPC]: December 4, 2024, 8. Railway Talk - Webinar, UEEIV, Germany

The 8th Railway Talk will take place on Wednesday, December 4, 17:00 CET

Registration for the 8th Railway Talk Webinar is free of charge. Participants will be able to take part in the discussion through the Chat.

Topic: Managing of weather and natural hazards by the Swiss Federal Railways

The reference rules, the overall organization, and the management of the weather and natural hazards by the SBB
Marco Corradini

The extreme conditions in summer and winter on the mountain Gotthard railway: from the planning to the operations activities and the digitalization of the surveillance methods
Heinz Müller and Ean Barelli

Detailed Information and Registration: 8th-railway-talk

2024-12-04 (Wednesday)

[EPC]: 6. ÖVG-Kongress, Dezember 4./5., 2024, Vienna, Austria

Der 6. ÖVG-Kongress Fahrstromanlagen verspricht wieder ein Highlight im Veranstaltungskalender der Branche zu werden.

Wir freuen uns über die Eröffnung des Kongresses durch unseren Präsidenten und ÖBB-CEO Ing. Mag. Andreas MATTHÄ.

Erfahren Sie mehr über die neuesten Entwicklungen und Lösungen, die die Effizienz und Leistung von Fahrstromanlagen steigern. Praxisnahe Fallstudien und erfolgreiche Projekte werden detailliert präsentiert, um zu zeigen, wie diese Technologien bereits heute angewendet werden.

Programm und Anmeldung 6-oevg-kongress-fahrstromanlagen

2024-11-27 (Wednesday)

[EPC]: 4. International Maritime Conference, 27-29 November 2024, Kotor, Montenegro

The 4th Kotor International Maritime Conference (KIMC 2024) will be held on 27–29 November 2024 in Kotor, Montenegro.

The idea behind KIMC is to provide an ideal academic platform for scholars and maritime professionals to present and share their latest research
findings and describe emerging technologies and directions in maritime sciences and shipping industry.

Program and further information KMA 2024

2024-11-08 (Friday)

[EPC]: UEEIV Railway Forum 2024, 8 - 9- November 2024, Sofia, Bulgaria

UEEIV Railway Forum 2024, 8 - 9- November 2024, Sofia, Bulgaria - hybrid participation possible!

We invite you to participate in the RAILWAY FORUM 2024 which is organized by the Union of European Railway Engineer Associations (UEEIV) in cooperation with our Bulgarian Member Associations, the Scientific and Technical Union for Transport (WTVV) and the National Guild Society of Railway Track Engineers (NGSRTE).

The topic is very relevant on a European level: The future of Railway Interoperability: 25 years of experience and innovative strategies with TSI

Preliminary programme and further details ueeiv-railway-forum-2024

2024-11-06 (Wednesday)

[EPC]: 10. Deutscher Mobilitätskongress, 6 - 7 November 2024, Frankfurt a.M., Germany

6 - 7. November 2024
Kap Europa, Frankfurt a.M.

Die Deutsche Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft e.V. (DVWG) bietet mit ihren Partnern, der Rhein-Main-Verkehrsverbund GmbH (RMV) und der Messe Frankfurt GmbH, mit diesem Event eine zentrale Plattform, auf der die Debatte über die Zukunft von Verkehr und Mobilität branchen- und disziplinübergreifend geführt werden kann.

Weitere Informationen Deutscher Mobilitätskongress

2024-10-29 (Tuesday)

[EPC]: Railway Days, 29-30 October 2024, Bucharest, Romania

Railway Days - the most important "business to business" railway event in Romania.

29-30 October 2024, Bucharest, Romania

The Railway Days Summit is the largest and most relevant railway conference and exhibition in Romania: hundreds of professionals and market leaders in the field participate every year in the Railway Days, in an event with tradition and resonance in the Romanian industry.

Programme and further details railway investment summit

2024-10-23 (Wednesday)

[EPC]: 13. INAIR 2024, 23 - 24 October 2024, Bratislava, Slovakia

INAIR 2024 – 13th International Conference on Air Transport
Date: 23 – 24 October 2024
Venue: NH Bratislava Gate One Hotel

13th International Conference on Air Transport - INAIR 2024 represents a forum in which industry and academia meet to exchange their ideas, to share best practices and to set up common challenges. The interaction between researchers and industry representatives is significant in order to come up with innovative solutions for the challenges of the future in air transport. INAIR 2024 will be hosted by the Air Transport Department, University of Zilina. Conference language: English

Full paper submission deadline: 16 August 2024

Conference topics and further information INAIR-2024

2024-10-17 (Thursday)

[EPC]: LOGI 2024, October 17, 2024 Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic

Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice under the auspices of the Czech Logistics Association (CLA) the Association of  Forwarding and Logistics of the Czech Republic (SSL) the Association of Transport of the Czech Republic (SvD) organizes the international scientific conference
LOGI 2024
will be held on October 17, 2024 in the Clarion Congress Hotel České Budějovice, Czech Republic.

LOGI 2024 scientific conference with an international participation is already its 21st volume. During the conference, in the presence of notable experts from the Czech Republic and abroad, issues regarding green transport and logistics, as well as new development trends and expectations in transport, logistics and progressive technologies introduced in the transport- and logistics-related processes, will be discussed.


2024-10-03 (Thursday)

BLMM 2024, 3-4 October, 2024, Osijek, Croatia

The 24th International Scientific Conference Business Logistics in Modern Management 2024 will be held at the Faculty of Economics and Business in Osijek on October 3 and 4, 2024.

Keynote speaker: Mr. Peter Corfitsen, CEO of Rijeka Gateway, will give a lecture titled “RGW as enabler of Rijeka becoming the main gateway to Central Europe’s logistics HUB”.

Program and further information BLMM 2024

2024-10-02 (Wednesday)

[EPC]: 1. ÖVG Asset Management Conference, October 2, 2024, Vienna, Austria

On October 2, 2024, the 1st ÖVG Asset Management Conference will take place at the Austro Tower in Vienna. Look forward to an exciting day with many interesting presentations on the topic of challenges in maintaining transport infrastructure from companies such as ASFINAG, ÖBB-Infrastruktur, the City of Vienna, and Via Donau. We will also shed light on new technologies and innovations in the field of asset management, with fascinating presentations on the use of AI and pitches from young companies.

Event: Asset Management: Challenges in Maintaining Transport Infrastructure
When: October 2, 2024, all day
Where: Austro Tower, 1030 Vienna, Schnirchgasse 17
Cost: €240 for ÖVG members // €320 regular // €40 students plus 20% VAT

Link for more information (German): Asset Management - Herausforderungen bei der... :: ÖVG (oevg.at)

Link for ticket booking: Asset Management - Herausforderungen in der Verkehrsinfrastruktur Tickets, Wed, Oct 2, 2024 at 9:00 AM | Eventbrite

2024-10-01 (Tuesday)

[EPC]: DVWG-Fachexkursion 1. - 4. Oktober 2024, Vienna, Austria

Im Zeitraum vom 1. - 4. Oktober 2024 veranstaltet die DVWG eine Exkursion nach Wien.

"Verkehr und Mobilität in der österreichischen Donaumetropole"

Nähere Informationen gibt es unter fachexkursion-nach-wien2024

2024-09-18 (Wednesday)

[EPC]: AET 52. ETC 2024, 18-20 September 2024, Antwerpen, Belgium

The 52nd European Transport Conference (ETC) will take place in Antwerpen, Belgium, 18-20 September 2024.

ETC is a multi-stream conference organised by the Association for European Transport. We hereby would like to draw your attention to the specific Call by the Rail Policy and Planning Committee. Please look at the attached document and tick for the Rail committee once you submit your abstract through this website: https://aetransport.org/etc/call-for-papers
2024-09-16 (Monday)

[ETC]: 22. ETC 2024, EURO-TRANS 2024, September 16 - 17, 2024, Warsaw, Poland

This year's 22nd ETC will be held in Warsaw, at the SGH Warsaw, Poland, from 16 to 17 September 2024 and will be joined the EURO-TRANS 2024.

The Topic of the upcoming Congress: "Mobility and Logistics Sectors in a Redefined Framework"

- Redefined needs of mobility and logistics sectors stakeholders
- Energy Transition in Transport Sector

The Homepage and further information is now available eurotrans2024/22ETC

Registration form

The current Programme of the Conference

2024-09-11 (Wednesday)

[EPC]: September 11, 2024, 7. Railway Talk - Webinar, UEEIV, Germany

The 7th Railway Talk will take place on Wednesday, September 11, 17:00 CET

Registration for the 7th Railway Talk Webinar is free of charge. Participants will be able to take part in the discussion through the Chat.


Presentations & Speakers:
Chair: Madeleine Coyle (PWI), Senior Technical Officer (Track), Network Rail

Slab track explained through recent application projects
Dipl.-Ing. Vlad Metaxa, Porr Bau GmbH

Slab track IVES: Superstructure upgrade during short track possessions
Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Vonbun, Head of Superstructure Products; Rhomberg Sersa Bahntechnik GmbH, Bregenz

Detailed Information and Registration: 7th-railway-talk

2024-09-10 (Tuesday)

[EPC]: 20. Scientific and Technical Conference 2024, September 10 - 11, 2024, Katowice, Poland

Department of Transport Systems, Traffic Engineering and Logistics Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering, Silesian University of Technology invites participating in


Katowice, September 10-11, 2024

The main goal of the TSTP conference is to show and discuss the issues in regard to the transport systems. The conference allows presenting the most up-to-date solutions in the field, evaluation of the current state and development perspectives for the transport systems within the urban areas, regions, countries and the world.

Paper submission and further information at Scientific and Technical Conference Katowice

2024-07-01 (Monday)

[EPTS]: Summer School 2024, 1 - 5 July 2024, Maribor, Slovenia

EPTS: Summer School 2024 - July 1st – 5th, 2024, Maribor (Slovenia)

Topic: "Barrier-free, accessible, inclusive cross-border public transport"

The University of Maribor, WU Vienna and Hilfsgemeinschaft (Austrian Association Supporting the Blind and Visually Impaired) organize in 2024 a summer school in Maribor, Slovenia for students of all academic levels (Bachelor; Master, Doctoral).

For more information, visit BFPT Summer School 2024

Download BFPT invitation.pdf

2024-06-17 (Monday)

[EPC]: Transport Problems Symposium&Conference, 17-21 June 2024, Katowice, Poland


XIII International Symposium of Young Researchers will be held in 2024 on 17-18 June and the XVI International Scientific Conference will follow on 19-21 June 2024.
The Silesian University of Technology Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering Katowice look forward to your visit.

For further information, please download files with the first announcement of the Conference and Symposium.

Download Info_2_Conf_TP2024.pdf

Download Info_2_Symp_TP2024.pdf

2024-06-14 (Friday)

EDASOL 2024, June 14, 2024, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina

The XIV International Scientific Conference on Economic Development and Standard of Living (EDASOL 2024) will take place on the 14th June 2024. in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Second call and information for participants at edasol-au

2024-06-06 (Thursday)

[EPC]: 14. CoTS´2024, 6-7 June 2024, Győr, Hungary

The Department of Transport, University of Győr and the Hungarian Scientific Association for Transport Sciences organize for the 14th time the Conference on Transport and invite you to participate in.

Date: 6-7 June 2024, Place: ETO-Park Hotel, Győr, Hungary

Further information and details at cots.sze.hu

2024-06-05 (Wednesday)

[EPC]: June 5, 2024, 6. Railway Talk - Webinar, UEEIV, Germany

The 6th Railway Talk will take place on Wednesday, June 5, 17:00 CET

Registration for the 6th Railway Talk Webinar is free of charge. Participants will be able to take part in the discussion through the Chat.


Chair: Dr. Bernhard Knoll, Vice President of UEEIV, Head of Superstructure Department at ÖBB Infrastruktur AG
Speaker: Dipl.-Ing. Manuel Gunacker, HY-POWER, CEO

Detailed Information and Registration: 6th-railway-talk

2024-05-23 (Thursday)

[EPC]: 10. SCSP 2024, 23 - 24 May 2024 Prague, Czech Republic

The Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty Of Transportation Sciences invite you to participate in their 10th IEEE Smart City Symposium Prague, SCSP 2024. It will take place on May 23 and May 24, 2024, in Prague, Czech Republic.

The symposium will have a main focus on research in the field of strengthening the resilience of Smart cities.

Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements.

For more information and details, please visit 10th IEEE Smart Cities Symposium Prague 2024

2024-05-22 (Wednesday)

[EPC]: Club Ferovial Conference, 22-23 May 2024, Constanta, Romania

Club Feroviar Conferences
- Rail & Rolling Stock Operations -

Industry leaders, experts and decision-makers will come together to discuss the latest developments and trends in rail transport. The ideal place to network with professionals and thought leaders and or create new business opportunities.


Registration and further information conferinteleclubferoviar

2024-05-20 (Monday)

[EPTS]: 21. ICTS 2024, 20 - 21 May 2024, Portoroz, Slovenia

21st International Conference on Transport Science
ICTS 2024, May 20 - 21, Portoroz, Slovenia, Grand Hotel Bernardin
The conference is organised by the Slovene Association of Transport Sciences, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport, and University of Split, Faculty of Maritime Studies.
11th of March 2024 – paper submission


2024-05-10 (Friday)

[EPC]: The Day of Transport Culture, 10th May 2024, Budapest, Hungary

Partners in transport, for transport, on the road, on water, on rails, and in the air.

May every day be the day of cultured transport! Transport culture is an existent concept, and its development and intensification is a national cause. Realizing this, the ministry and its partner organizations, in cooperation with the non-governmental sector, initiated the observance of the very first "Day of Transport Culture" on the 11th May 2015. The initiative has become a tradition and since then, every year, partner organizations dedicated to the traffic culture and safe transport, hold awareness-raising events throughout the country.

This year's Day of Transport Culture will be held on May 10, 2024 in Budapest, Hungary

Website with general information about DoTC

Download Invitation_to partners_organising_event_May11_DoTC_2024.pdf

2024-04-16 (Tuesday)

[EPC]: DVWG Summit 2024, 16 -17 April 2024, Wuppertal, Germany

DVWG Summit 2024 - Impulse für Mobilität und Verkehr

16.04.2024 17:30 - 17.04.2024 15:00 Historische Stadthalle Wuppertal, Johannisberg 40, 42103 Wuppertal

Reallabore: Von der Forschung in den Alltag.

DVWG Summit 2024

2024-04-04 (Thursday)

[EPC]: DACH-Tagung 2024, 4 - 5 April 2024, Innsbruck, Austria

DACH-Tagung 2024

Thema: Digitalisierung & Dekarbonisierung des Verkehrs im DACH-Raum

Datum: 4. und 5. April 2024, Ort: Hotel Grauer Bär, Innsbruck/Tirol

Beginn 11 Uhr am 4. April, mit Exkursion Brenner Basistunnel am 5. April, Ende 17 Uhr am 5. April

Anmeldung und Programm: DACH-Tagung-2024

Download DACH Tagung 2024 Programm.pdf

2024-03-07 (Thursday)

[EPC]: 7 - 8 March 2024 - 22. Eisenbahnkolloquium Vienna, Austria

22. Wiener Eisenbahnkolloquium
FOKUS Regionalbahnen

Datum: 7. - 8. März 2024
Ort: Technisches Museum Wien

Programm und Anmeldung unter (Veranstaltungen) www.oevg.at

2024-02-27 (Tuesday)

[EPC]: February 27, 2024, 5th Railway Talk - Webinar, UEEIV, Germany

The 5th Railway Talk will take place on Tuesday, February 27, 17:00 CET

Registration for the 5th Railway Talk Webinar is free of charge. Participants will be able to take part in the discussion through the Chat.

Topic: The Railway Station in an urbanized territory – not just transportation centre

Pavel Yanchev, Architect and Urban Planner, Gradoscope, Bulgaria
PhD. Eng. Arch. Ivana Stefanovska
Eng.  Ivo Yanakiev

Detailed Information and Registration: 5th-railway-talk

2024-01-29 (Monday)

[EPC]: Mixed Reality Symposium 2024, 29 - 30 January 2024, Vienna, Austria

Das Symposium zur Mixed Reality (MR) im Bauingenieurwesen der Mobilität bringt ein vielfältiges Publikum zusammen, darunter Studenten, Industrieprofis und angesehene Experten, um die modernsten Anwendungen und das Potenzial von MR im Bereich der Mobilität zu erkunden.
Die Veranstaltung findet im Kuppelsaal der Technischen Universität Wien statt, Kuppelsaal der TU Wien, Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Wien.

Programm und Anmeldung: www.oevg.at/veranstaltungen

2024-01-18 (Thursday)

[EPC]: 18 January 2024, Webinar BV Nordbayern, DVWG, Germany

Das Programm 2024 der BV Nordbayern startet am 18.01.2024 um 17.30 Uhr mit einer Online-Veranstaltung zum Thema:

Vom Schwarm zu Avatar - Wie aus Mobilfunkdaten feinräumige Daten für die Verkehrsplanung entstehen

Es referiert Herr Dr. Michael Balmer von der ETH Zürich. Er ist Mitbegründer und Geschäftsführer der Firma Senozon, die für den deutschsprachigen Raum aus Mobilfunkdaten feinräumige Bewegungsprofile für Einzelpersonen (Avatare) bilden und somit Verkehrsmodelle in einer neuen Schärfe ermöglichen. Er wird über das Verfahren, die Anwendungsmöglichkeiten und dessen Grenzen berichten und wird ihre Fragen im Anschluss beantworten.

Zur Anmeldung: www.dvwg.de

2023-11-16 (Thursday)

[EPC]: 16 - 17 November 2023 - 5. ÖVG-Kongress, Vienna, Austria

5. ÖVG-Kongress: Fahrstromanlagen

Datum: 16. - 17. November 2023, Ort: Technisches Museum Wien

Weitere Informationen folgen unter (Veranstaltungen) www.oevg.at

2023-11-15 (Wednesday)

[EPC]: INAIR 2023, 15 - 17 November 2023, Tartu, Estonia

INAIR 2023 - 12th International Conference on Air Transport, 15 - 17 November 2023
Estonian Aviation Academy, Tartu, Estonia

12th International Conference on Air Transport - INAIR 2023 represents a forum in which industry and academia meet to exchange their ideas, to share best practices and to set up common challenges. The interaction between researchers and industry representatives is significant in order to come up with innovative solutions for the challenges of the future in air transport.

Conference topics and further information INAIR-2023

2023-11-13 (Monday)

[EPC]: 9. Deutscher Mobilitätskongress, 13 - 14 November 2023, Frankfurt a.M., Germany

"Potenziale der Digitalisierung für nachhaltige Mobilität und Logistik"

13./14. November 2023
Kap Europa Frankfurt a.M.

Die Deutsche Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft e.V. (DVWG) bietet mit ihren Partnern, der Rhein-Main-Verkehrsverbund GmbH (RMV) und der Messe Frankfurt GmbH, mit diesem Event eine zentrale Plattform, auf der die Debatte über die Zukunft von Verkehr und Mobilität branchen- und disziplinübergreifend geführt werden kann.

Programm und Anmeldung Deutscher Mobilitätskongress

2023-11-09 (Thursday)

[EPC]: Global Rail European Conference, 9 - 10 November, 2023, Düsseldorf, Germany

The Global Rail Group presents the European Conference Rail Track Ballast Management 2023.
9 - 10 November, Düsseldorf, Hotel Melia, Germany
2 days, 15 speakers, from 7 countries
The conference will be held as a hybrid conference. Participation is possible in person on site but also via video link. The conference language is English.
Detailed information and registration: global-rail-group
or download here epts.eu/downloads

QR code

Download GRG-QR-Code.png

Download GRG_Marketing_Ballast-Event_low.pdf

2023-10-19 (Thursday)

[EPC]: 19. Baltisches Verkehrsforum, 19. October, Rostock-Warnemünde, Germany

Zeitenwende in Häfen und Personenmobilität. Häfen als Motor der Energiewende, Personenmobilität der Zukunft.

Die DVWG Mecklenburg-Vorpommern e.V. lädt Sie auch in diesem Jahr herzlich zum Baltischen Verkehrsforum nach
Rostock-Warnemünde ein. Am 19. Oktober 2023 wird das 19. Baltische Verkehrsforum als Kooperationsveranstaltung zwischen der Deutschen Verkehrswissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft Mecklenburg-Vorpommern e.V. und dem Maritimen Cluster Norddeutschland e. V. in Rostock Warnemünde in Hotel Neptun stattfinden.

Anmeldung https://gstoo.de/bvf2023

Programm als Download

Download Einladung_19-BVF_202310_19.pdf

2023-10-17 (Tuesday)

[EPC]: October 17, 2023, 4th Railway Talk - Webinar, UEEIV, Germany

The 4th Railway Talk will take place on Tuesday, October 17, 17:00 CET

Registration for the 4th Railway Talk Webinar is free of charge. Participants will be able to take part in the discussion through the Chat.

Topic: Elastic solutions for Railway Superstructure
Thomas Gamsjäger, Senior Vice President Railway Division, Getzner
Michael Pümpel, Strategic Product Development, Getzner
Stefan Loacker-Schöch, Product Management and Product Development, Getzner

Detailed Information and Registration: 4th-railway-talk

2023-10-11 (Wednesday)

[EPC]: WEC 2023, 11 - 13 October 2023, Prague, Czech Republic


The Czech Association of Scientific and Technical Societies (CSVTS) in cooperation with the World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO) is organizing the 7th World Engineers Convention WEC 2023 which will take place in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, between 9 – 15 October 2023.

We look forward to meeting you in Prague, in the Czech Republic in October 2023!


2023-10-05 (Thursday)

[EPC]: DEVPORT2023, 5 - 6 October 2023, Le Havre, France

DEVPORT 2023: What place for territorial ports in the maritime system of tomorrow?

5-6 Oct 2023, Le Havre (France)

All the information is available on the conference website: DEVPORT2023

We hope to see you in Le Havre during the conference.

2023-10-02 (Monday)

[EPC]: Horizons of Railway Transport 2023, 2 - 3 October 2023, Podbanske, Slovakia

We invite you cordially to the international scientific conference Horizons of Railway Transport 2023,

Determinants of the Development of the Railway System in the Context of the Society-wide Assessment of Investments in Railway Infrastructure and Public Passenger Transport,

that is organised by the University of Žilina, scheduled for October 2–3, 2023, in the Permon**** hotel in Podbanské in the High Tatra mountains (Slovakia).

In the attachment to this announcement, you can find the most important information regarding this conference.

We are looking forward to your participation!

Download HZD_circular_EN.pdf

2023-09-19 (Tuesday)

[EPC]: 7. International Polish- Georgian Scientific-Technical Conference, 19 - 21 September 2023, Kutaisi, Georgia


“TRANSPORT BRIDGE EUROPE-ASIA” devoted to the 90th Anniversary of Akaki Tsereteli State University. Date: 19 - 21 September 2023, Kutaisi, Georgia

Please find more information about the conference here


2023-09-18 (Monday)

[EPC]: Euro-Trans 2023, 18 - 19 September 2023, Szczecin, Poland

The 19th International Scientific Conference Euro-Trans 2023 will be held on 18-19 September 2023 in Szczecin, at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Szczecin.

For further information, please visit eurotrans2023

The organizers responded to the participants' requests and invite you to take part in the poster session. The authors of the posters will receive a certificate of active participation in the conference. Posters in electronic form (1 slide in pptx format) should be sent by September 15, 2023 at 17:00 Mail: eurotrans@usz.edu.pl


Download Template_Poster_Standard.pptx

2023-09-06 (Wednesday)

[EPC] AET ETC 2023, 6 - 8 September 2023, Milan, Italy

ETC 2023 Milan, ITALY, 6 - 8 September 2023
The 51st European Transport Conference will once again be held at the Politecnico di Milano Bovisa Campus, Milan

The annual European Transport Conference brings together researchers, policy makers and practitioners around ideas and visions of transport at European, national, regional and local level.

Abstract submission for ETC 2023 is now open, click here to submit your abstract.

For further information and to view previous conferences, please visit the https://aetransport.org/etc

2023-09-04 (Monday)

[EPC]: DVWG Jahresverkehrskongress 2023, 4 - 5 September 2023, Wuppertal, Germany

Die Jahrestagung und der Jahresverkehrskongress der DVWG wird dieses Jahr vom 4 - 5 September wieder in der historischen Stadthalle Wuppertal stattfinden.

Weitere Details werden zu gegebener Zeit bekannt gegeben.

DVWG Veranstaltungen

2023-06-27 (Tuesday)

[EPC]: June 27, 2023, 3rd Railway Talk - Webinar, UEEIV, Germany

The 3rd Railway Talk will take place on Tuesday, June 27, 17:00 CET, 16:00 GMT

Registration for the 3rd Railway Talk Webinar is free of charge. Participants will be able to take part in the discussion through the Chat.

High Speed Railway Development in Poland
Detecting anomalies in railway infrastructure with advanced data analysis techniques
BIM technology use in railway infrastructure related projects in Poland

Detailed Information and Registration: 3rd-railway-talk

2023-06-19 (Monday)

[EPC]: Transport Problems Symposium&Conference, 19 - 23 June 2023, Katowice, Poland


XII International Symposium of Young Researchers will be held in 2023 on 19 - 20 June 2023


XV International Scientific Conference will be held on 21 - 23 June 2023, both in a mixed offline (traditional) & online way.

The Silesian University of Technology Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering Katowice look forward to your visit.

For further information, please download files with the second announcement of the Conference and Symposium.

Download Info_2_Conf_TP2023.pdf

Download Info_2_Symp_TP2023.pdf

2023-06-08 (Thursday)

[EPC]: XIII CoTS´2023, 8 - 9 June 2023, Győr, Hungary

The Department of Transport, University of Győr and the Hungarian Scientific Association for Transport Sciences organize for the 13th time the Conference on Transport and invite you to participate in.

Date: 8 - 9 June 2023, Place: ETO-Park Hotel, Győr, Hungary

Further information and details are on the webpage of the conference: cots.sze.hu

You can apply as presenter on our webpage:


2023-05-29 (Monday)

[EPC]: 29 - 31 May TRANSCOM, Mikulov, Czech Republic

TRANSCOM 2023, the 15th International Scientific Conference on Sustainable, Modern, and Safe Transport, aims to establish and expand international contacts and cooperation. The main purpose of the conference is to provide young scientists with an encouraging and stimulating environment in which they present the results of their research to the scientific community. TRANSCOM has been organized regularly every other year since 1995. Between 160 and 400 young researchers and scientists regularly participate in the event. The conference is organized by the University of Žilina.

For more details, see: www.transcom-conference.com  or   www.uniza.sk

2023-05-25 (Thursday)

[ETC]: 21. ETC 2023, May 25 - 26, 2023, Prague, Czech Republic

The European Platform of Transport Sciences - EPTS Foundation e.V. - invites to the 21st European Transport Congress (ETC) which will be held in Prague, Czech Republic, from 25. – 26. 5. 2023. Our colleagues from CTU in Prague are just planning the event which will be joined to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the faculty for Transportation Sciences, along with the 9th SCSP (Smart Cities Symposium Prague) and our 21st ETC.
The Topic of the upcoming Congress is: "The strengthening the resilience of smart cities"

For more information and Registration, please visit www.epts.eu/etc2023

We are looking forward to meeting you in Prague.

2023-05-11 (Thursday)

[EPC]: The Day of Transport Culture, 11th May 2023, Budapest, Hungary

Partners in transport, for transport, on the road, on water, on rails, and in the air.

May every day be the day of cultured transport! Transport culture is an existent concept, and its development and intensification is a national cause. Realizing this, the ministry and its partner organizations, in cooperation with the non-governmental sector, initiated the observance of the very first "Day of Transport Culture" on the 11th May 2015. The initiative has become a tradition and since then, every year, partner organizations dedicated to the traffic culture and safe transport, hold awareness-raising events throughout the country.

The website is being continuously updated DoTC

2023-05-08 (Monday)

[EPC] 10th IMSC 8 - 9 May 2023, Solin, Croatia

The 10th International Maritime Science Conference (IMSC 2023) will be held in Solin, Croatia, on 8th and 9th May 2023.
IMSC 2023 is organized by the University of Split, Faculty of Maritime Studies, and the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport.
The first important date to remember is 20th October 2022 - this is the deadline for abstract submission.
For more details, to submit papers and to register for the event, please visit: https://imsc.pfst.hr/
2023-05-04 (Thursday)

[EPC]: ÖVG Jahrestagung, 4 May 2023, Villach, Austria

ÖVG-Jahrestagung: Mobilität vernetzt denken

Datum: 4. Mai 2023
Ort: Parkhotel Villach (Moritschstraße 2, 9500 Villach)

Programm und Anmeldung unter (Veranstaltungen) www.oevg.at

2023-04-25 (Tuesday)

[EPC]: 10. International Conference ICROMA, 25 - 28 April 2023, Belgrade, Serbia

April 25th - 28th, 2023. RailBelgrade 2023 is the 10th International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis (ICROMA). It will promote interdisciplinary discussions in the railway planning and operations research area by combining the expertise of academics and professionals.

Registration and further Information railbelgrade2023

2023-03-28 (Tuesday)

[EPC]: 28 March 2023, 2. Railway Talk, Webinar UEEIV, Germany

The 2nd Railway Talk will take place on Tuesday on 28 March:

2nd Railway Talk: Innovation in the railway: A Young Engineer’s approach. Date: 28 March 2023, at 5:30pm UK time, 6:30 pm CET

Chair: Madeleine Coyle (PWI), Senior Technical Officer (Track), Network Rail

Detailed Information and Registration: https://www.ueeiv.eu/events/2nd-railway-talk/

Registration for the 2nd Railway Talk is free of charge. Participants will be able to take part in the discussion through the Chat.

Call for papers: We invite you to send us your suggestions for the 3rd Railway Talk, that is planned in mid-June. Please send us your title and a short description until 30th March.

2023-03-23 (Thursday)

[EPC]: 23 March 2023, International Scientific-Practical Conference, Klaipeda, Lithuania

We invite you to actively participate in the International Scientific and Practical Conference organized by the Lithuanian Maritime Academy.

Date: 23 March 2023, Location: Klaipėda.

The event will be organized in a hybrid format.

Registration until 10 of March: https://forms.gle/wVteiULtuZDhPQXw9

For more information: https://www.lajm.lt/en/studies/conference.html

The full conference program will be sent to registered participants. We look forward to receiving your registration and kindly ask you to share information with colleagues from other higher education institutions or organizations.

2023-03-09 (Thursday)

[EPC]: 9 - 10 March 2023 - 21. Eisenbahnkolloquium Vienna, Austria

21. Wiener Eisenbahnkolloquium

Die Leistungsfähigkeit der Eisenbahn - Grenzen und Chancen

Datum: 9. - 10. März 2023
Ort: Technisches Museum Wien

Programm und Anmeldung unter (Veranstaltungen) www.oevg.at

2023-01-25 (Wednesday)

[EPC]: UEEIV - 1st Railway Talk, online, Germany

UEEIV: 1st Railway Talk: Success factors and risks of hypercomplex railway projects

Date: 25 January 2023, 17:00 – 19:00

Chair: Dipl.-Ing. Daniel Wirth, Switzerland

Detailed Information and Registration: https://www.ueeiv.eu/events/first-railway-talk

Registration for the 1st Railway Talk is free of charge. Participants will be able to take part in the discussion through the Chat.

2022-11-29 (Tuesday)

[EPC]: Rail Live! 29 November - 1 December 2022, Malaga, Spain

RAIL LIVE 2022 Congress Edition

Digitisation, Sustainability & Liberalisation - The right track for a zero carbon future.

Rail Live brings together high-level industry leaders who are driving innovation, investment and digital transformation in the Global rail sector. From Infrastructure Managers to High-Speed Projects, Metro systems to Freight Carriers, Rail Live represents the full rail industry. There’s something for everyone at Rail Live, from 250+ Speakers, 100+ exhibitors, 100+ Start Ups and plenty of networking time to get to know our 2000 strong audience.

About, Agenda, Speakers: Rail Live 2022

2022-11-09 (Wednesday)

[EPC]: INAIR 2022, 9 - 10 November 2022, Bratislava, Slovakia

INAIR 2022 - 11th International Conference on Air Transport 9 - 10 November, Bratislava, Slovakia, Hotel NH Bratislava Gate One.

11th International Conference on Air Transport - INAIR 2022 represents a forum in which industry and academia meet to exchange their ideas, to share best practices and to set up common challenges. The interaction between researchers and industry representatives is significant in order to come up with innovative solutions for the challenges of the future in air transport.

Conference topics and further information http://www.inairportal.uniza.sk/

2022-11-08 (Tuesday)

[EPC]: 4. NaKoMo, 8 - 9 November, Berlin, Germany

4. NaKoMo-Jahreskonferenz

Unter dem Motto „Erklären. Beteiligen. Ermöglichen. Im Dialog zu einer neuen Mobilitätskultur“ wollen wir mit Ihnen über Wege und Formate von Kommunikation, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Beteiligung diskutieren und voneinander lernen. Unsere Leitfrage: Wie gelingt es im Dialog zwischen Politik, gesellschaftlichen Institutionen sowie Bürgerinnen und Bürgern eine zukunftsfähige und nachhaltige Mobilität in Stadt und auf dem Land voranzutreiben. Die Konferenz wird von Bundesminister Dr. Volker Wissing eröffnet.

Wir freuen uns, Sie als Gast auf der vierten NaKoMo-Jahreskonferenz am 08.-09. November 2022 in Berlin und online begrüßen zu dürfen.


2022-11-07 (Monday)

[EPC]: Baltic Sea Conference, 7 - 9 November 2022, Klaipeda/Kaunas, Lithuania

Baltic Sea Conference Edition IV - Crisis, War and Logistic in Europe: From Assessment to Foresight

BALTIC SEAS consists on an open-source applied research network launched at Le Havre by Dr. Arnaud SERRY with a strong focus on the Baltic Sea. In May 2018, the 1st international conference has been held at Klaipeda - Lithuania in close cooperation with the Lithuanian Maritime Academy.

Read more about https://balticseas4.sciencesconf.org/

2022-10-30 (Sunday)

[EPC]: Golden Chariot Award, 30 October - 2 November 2022, Antalya, Republic of Turkey

The Organizing Committee of the Golden Chariot International Transport Award, the permanent partners of the project - international industry associations together with the municipality and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Antalya (Republic of Turkey), invite You to the International Forum «Rediscovering the World» and the Awards ceremony. Laureates of the Golden Chariot Award based on the results of work for 2021-2022.

The Program of the International Transport Forum «Rediscovering the World» and the Grand Ceremony of the Golden Chariot International Transport Award, October 30th - November 2nd, 2022 Antalya, Republic of Turkey:


2022-10-23 (Sunday)

[EPC]: IRE - Salzburg Europe Summit 2022, 23 - 25 October, Salzburg, Austria

Europe and Peace. Visions for Europe: Expectations and Reality

The Salzburg Europe Summit is the annual congress highlight in Salzburg. Every autumn, up to 500 guests and over 50 renowned experts from the fields of politics, business, diplomacy, science and the regions of Europe gather in Salzburg to discuss exciting, current topics - from EU expansion to European energy - and financial policy, tourism, regionalization up to religion and peace.


2022-10-13 (Thursday)

[EPC]: 18. Baltisches Verkehrsforum, 13. October, Rostock Warnemünde, Germany

Energieeffiziente & krisenfeste Mobilität für Güter- und Personenverkehr

Am 13. Oktober 2022 wird das 18. Baltische Verkehrsforum als Kooperationsveranstaltung zwischen der Deutschen Verkehrswissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft Mecklenburg-Vorpommern e.V. und dem Maritimen Cluster Norddeutschland e. V. in Rostock Warnemünde stattfinden. Das Thema Energieeffiziente & krisenfeste Mobilität für Güter- und Personenverkehr wird aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven behandelt: Erfahrungen bei der Umsetzung der EU-Emissionsvorschriften aus Sicht der Verkehrsunternehmen werden ebenso beleuchtet wie Lieferkettenprobleme und Wege in die Klimaneutralität.

Hotel Neptun, Seestraße 19, 18119 Rostock – Anmeldung https://gstoo.de/bvf2022

2022-10-06 (Thursday)

[EPC]: BENIP 2022, 06 - 07 October 2022, Győr, Hungary


Built Environment Information Platform (BENIP) is the concept of smart and system-oriented city planning and development spanning over the domains of architecture, civil, and transportation engineering.
The conference is dealing with the topic of Built Environment Information Platform from different viewpoints. It shows the theoretical and practical aspects of the connected and chained world of engineering in the field of the built environment, from the smaller entities of architecture (buildings) through the civil engineering domain (complex structures) to the big systems of transportation. The track gives an overview of how the engineering of our environment is structured, from small to complex.
On the long term, the Conference on BENIP strives to be the main hub for scientists in the field of built environment who not only deal with one specific area of architecture, civil engineering, or transportation but are interested in topics of interdisciplinary nature. Therefore, this event is an interdisciplinary meeting point of scientists of the built environment, which is, therefore, able to foster the cooperation and information flow between the specific engineering areas of the built environment.

For more information, check the website https://scitope.com/benip22/

2022-09-30 (Friday)

[EPC]: Horizons of Railway Transport 2022, 30 September - 1 October 2022, Special Train 70 from Prag to Zilina, Slovakia

„Long-term strategy and role of the railway sector in the national economy and in the transnational context“ which organizes University of Žilina.

The conference will take place at a non-traditional location in "Special Train 70". The train will depart on September 30, 2022 from the Prague main station via Pardubice, Přerov, Břeclav to Bratislava. On the second day, October 1, 2022, the journey will be realised on the route Bratislava hl.st. – Šurany – Zlaté Moravce – Kozárovce – Zvolen os.st. – Lučenec – Plešivec – Košice – Poprad-Tatry – Žilina.

The Conference "Horizons of Railway Transport" will take place during the train journey on both days and is oriented to the history and current problems and challenges in university education in railway transport.

We invite you to publish scientific papers, which will be included in the conference proceedings "Horizons of Railway Transport 2022".

For more information, please visit: Horizons of Railway Transport 2022

2022-09-28 (Wednesday)

[EPC]: ZIRP 2022, 28 - 30 September 2022, Sibenik, Croatia

International Conference - The Science and Development of Transport

ZIRP is one of the region’s leading conferences in transport and logistics with international recognition (participants from around 20 countries).

All accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings series Transportation Research Procedia published by Elsevier (Referenced in Web of Science, Scopus). Additionally, the authors whose papers are assessed by the Programme Committee as making a significant contribution to science will have the opportunity to submit them for publication under the usual review procedure in one of the following journals:

PROMET - Traffic & Transportation (Referenced in Web of Science, Scopus, SCIE);

Special issue of Sustainability: "The Future of Sustainable Urban Mobility" (Referenced in Web of Science, Scopus, SCIE, SSCI…);

Special issue of Energies: "Sustainability and Energy Efficiency in Logistics" (Referenced in Web of Science, Scopus, SCIE…).


2022-09-20 (Tuesday)

[EPC]: InnoTrans 2022, 20 - 23 September, Berlin, Germany

InnoTrans at a glance. InnoTrans is the leading international trade fair for transport technology and takes places every two years in Berlin. Sub-divided into the five trade fair segments Railway Technology, Railway Infrastructure, Public Transport, Interiors and Tunnel Construction, InnoTrans occupies all 42 halls available at Berlin Exhibition Grounds. The InnoTrans Convention, the event’s top-level supporting programme, complements the trade fair and will be streamed live.

A unique feature of InnoTrans is its outdoor and track display area, where everything from tank wagons to high-speed trains are displayed on 3 500 metres of track.

InnoTrans offers vehicle manufacturers the possibility to demonstrate busses on a static Bus Display area and the adjacent Demonstration Course


2022-09-19 (Monday)

[EPC]: Euro-Trans 2022, 19 - 20 September 2022, Sopot/Gansk, Poland

The 18th International Scientific Conference Euro-Trans 2022. The conference will be held on 19-20 September 2022 in Sopot, at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Gdańsk. Among scientists, representatives of business and public institutions from Poland and abroad, we will discuss the subject of "Transport and Logistics Towards a Blue Economy and Green Transition".

We cordially invite you to participate today, and please include the date of our conference in your plans. We will successively inform you about the details of the meeting, including its program and terms of active participation euro-trans-2022

2022-09-07 (Wednesday)

[EPC]: AET - 50th ETC, 7 - 9 September 2022, Milan, Italy

The European Transport Conference (ETC) is the annual conference of the Association for European Transport, attracting transport policy makers, practitioners and researchers from all over Europe and beyond. ETC offers in-depth presentations on policy issues, best practice and research findings across the broad spectrum of transport. ETC also provides an opportunity where delegates can enjoy networking opportunities, participate in technical visits, and explore the exhibition.

The 2022 conference will be a special occasion - it will be the 50th to be held. ETC will take as its main theme: “Behaviour Change – the impacts of the climate emergency and COVID-19 on long term travel patterns”. 7 - 9 September, Milan, Italy.

The programme of ETC 2022 and further information can be found here https://aetransport.org/etc


2022-08-30 (Tuesday)

[EPC]: RGS-IBG - Anual International Conference, 30 August - 2 September 2022, Newcastle, England

The Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) is the learned society and professional body for geography. The annual conference is international in nature and outlook. Each year we welcome hundreds of colleagues from around the world, with a third of attendees coming from outside the UK. We are committed to continuing this open and outward-facing approach, and particularly welcome contributions by international delegates to the conference program.
The conference will be chaired by Professor Rachel Pain of Newcastle University, on the theme Geographies beyond recovery. It will take place at Newcastle University, from Tuesday 30 August to Friday 2 September 2022, with a strong in-person element, and with hybrid and online ways to participate.
Conference topics and further information annual-international-conference
2022-06-27 (Monday)

[EPC]: Transport Problems Symposium&Conference, 27.6. - 1.7. 2022, Katowice, Poland


XI International Symposium of Young Researchers will be held in 2021 on 27-28 June 2022


XIV International Scientific Conference will be held on 29 June – 1 July 2022, both in a mixed offline (traditional) & online way.

The Silesian University of Technology Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering, Katowice in cooperation with University of Žilina Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications look forward to your visit.

For more information Conference&Symposium

2022-06-23 (Thursday)

[EPC]: DVWG Jahresverkehrskongress 2022, 23 - 25 June 2022, Wuppertal, Germany

Die Jahrestagung und der Jahresverkehrskongress der DVWG wird im Jahr 2022 voraussichtlich vom 23. bis 25. Juni in Wuppertal stattfinden.

Weitere Details werden zu gegebener Zeit bekannt gegeben.

DVWG Veranstaltungen

2022-06-09 (Thursday)

[ETC]: 20th ETC, 09 - 10 June 2022, Győr, Hungary

The European Platform of Transport Sciences - EPTS Foundation e.V. - invites to the 20th European Transport Congress (ETC), which will be held from 9 to 10 June 2022 in Győr, Hungary. The Congress will be organized by the Széchenyi István University in Győr, KTE and the EPTS Foundation e.V.

The Topic of the Congress: "After pandemic - before autonomous transport"

The registration for this special event is now open: http://www.epts.eu/etc2022 under the "For Participants" menu. On the conference website you can also find further information about the conditions, venue, accommodation and travel possibilities.

An additional reason to come to Győr - the EPTS Foundation celebrates its 20th ETC anniversary with this congress. We are looking forward to meeting you all in Győr at the Congress and celebrating our jubilee.

2022-06-08 (Wednesday)

[EPC]: RSS 2022, 8 - 10 June 2022, Athens, Greece

8th Road Safety and Simulation Conference, Venue - Zappeion Megaron

The 8th RSS 2022 International Conference will take place on 08-10 June in Athens, Greece, hosted by the National Technical University of Athens Road Safety Observatory (NRSO) in cooperation with the Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers (HITE) under the auspices of the City of Athens and the Hellenic Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport.

About: https://www.nrso.ntua.gr/rss2022/


2022-06-02 (Thursday)

[EPC]: 2 - 3 June 2022 - 20th Eisenbahnkolloquium Vienna, Austria

20. Wiener Eisenbahnkolloquium

Datum: 2. - 3. Juni 2022
Ort: Technisches Museum Wien

Details folgen www.oevg.at

2022-05-26 (Thursday)

[EPC]: SCSP 2022, 26 - 27 May 2022 Prague, Czech Republic

The Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty Of Transportation Sciences invite you to participate in their 8th IEEE Smart City Symposium Prague, SCSP 2022. It will take place on May 26 and May 27, 2022, in Prague, Czech Republic.

The Smart Cities Symposium Prague 2022 (the eighth annual conference) will have a special focus on research addressing people’s behavior, their selection of activities and travel behavior. We will discuss also the changes due to pandemic. We encourage researchers with different background to participate and share their findings. The Symposium aims to be a multidisciplinary forum for exchanging ideas and best practices in the field of Smart Cities not limited to theory but also including real world applications.

Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements.

We welcome you to submit your full papers by January 31, 2022.

For more information about the call for papers, please visit https://akce.fd.cvut.cz/en/scsp2022

2022-05-23 (Monday)

[EPC]: ICTS 2022, 23 - 24 May 2022 Portoroz, Slovenia

20th International Conference on Transport Science ICTS 2022

23rd and 24th of May 2022, organized by Slovene Association of Transport Sciences University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport, Grand Hotel Bernardin, Portoroz, Slovenia.


2022-05-18 (Wednesday)

[EPC]: ÖVG Jahrestagung, 18 - 19 May 2022, Linz, Austria

ÖVG - Jahrestagung 2022

Datum: 18. - 19. Mai 2022

Details folgen www.oevg.at

2022-05-11 (Wednesday)

[EPC]: The Day of Transport Culture, 11. May, Budapest, Hungary

Partners in transport, for transport, on the road, on water, on rails, and in the air.

May every day be the day of cultured transport! Transport culture is an existent concept, and its development and intensification is a national cause. Realizing this, the ministry and its partner organizations, in cooperation with the non-governmental sector, initiated the observance of the very first "Day of Transport Culture" on the 11th May 2015. The initiative has become a tradition and since then, every year, partner organizations dedicated to the traffic culture and safe transport, hold awareness-raising events throughout the country.

The website is being continuously updated DoTC

2021-11-21 (Sunday)

[EPC]: Golden Chariot International Award, November 21, 2021, Brussels, Belgium

Postponed in to 2021. The Golden Chariot International Award in Transport, Ecology, and Innovation will be celebrating its 15-year anniversary. Throughout these fifteen years, we found ourselves facing many challenges, but we persevered. To honor our anniversary the Organizational Committee plans to bring a new set of admirable participants to our growing list of Golden Chariot Winners, while also inviting old friends and like-minded people with whom we have been sharing our growth and success. We will be very excited to see both every owner of the three gilded horses - a symbol of quality, honest business, and excellent work and those who aspire to become one at our event in the European Parliament in Brussels on November 21, 2021.

We will glad to see you at our business events and anniversary celebrations!         


2021-11-16 (Tuesday)

[EPC]: INNORAIL 2021, 16 - 18 November 2021, Budapest, Hungary

Future of the railway – Railway of the future

We are hereby inviting you to participate in INNORAIL 2021,
already the fifth conference in the series organized in Budapest on 16-18 November.

Official languages of the conference are English and Hungarian. The first day of the conference will feature plenary sessions while the other two days will be organized into parallel section meetings in the following topics: 17-18 November Section 1 Use of modern technologies in the construction, maintenance and operation of rail infrastructure Section 2 NEW Integration – the key to a lucrative urban and suburban track-bound transport. The section 2 is co-organized by InnoRail Kiadó és Konferencia Kft. and the Budapest Development Center.

For more information please visit https://innorail2021.hu/

2021-11-12 (Friday)

[EPC]: EDASOL 2021 12 - 13 November 2021, Banja Luka, Bosnia und Herzegovina

" Digital Economy and Industry 4.0 – Opportunities and Challenges for the Western Balkan Countries" 12th-13th November 2021, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina

It is our honor and pleasure to invite you to participate in the 11th International Scientific Conference on Economic Development and Standard of Living - "EDASOL 2021".

For more information, check the website www.edasol-au.com

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Banja Luka.


2021-11-11 (Thursday)

[EPC]: First University Student Conference, 11th November 2021, Bitola, North Macedonia

We would like to inform you that the Second Faculty Student Conference, which is also First University Student Conference, will be held at the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Bitola, on 11th of November 2021.

You can follow the conclusions on the following link https://tfb.uklo.edu.mk/news/?lang=en


All other information follow at https://www.facebook.com/TUR.FSSTFB


2021-11-10 (Wednesday)

[EPC]: V. Hungarian Transport Conference, 10 - 12 November 2021, Siófok, Hungary

V. Hungarian Transport Conference

The Hungarian Transport Conference is the largest meeting of the Hungarian transport industry, where more than 800 participants can listen to prominent leaders and experts in the transport sector for three days. More information will be displayed later on this page

2021-11-03 (Wednesday)

[EPC]: INAIR 2021, 3 - 4 November 2021, Malta

The Air Transport Department of the University of Zilina take great pleasure in inviting you to INAIR 2021 – 10th International Conference on Air Transport. The conference will be held in Malta, at the State Hall, AX The Palace Hotel from November 3  – 4, 2021.

To see the detailed conference programme, please visit the following link: https://www.inairportal.uniza.sk/cat_34/

For more details regarding the conference, please visit www.inairportal.uniza.sk

We look forward to seeing you in Malta.

2021-10-14 (Thursday)

[EPC]: TTS 2021 Conference, 14 - 16 October 2021, Bitola, North Macedonia

The third International Conference "Transport for Today's Society" in Bitola was postponed to 14 - 16 October 2021

The conference topics cover research findings, policy issues and best practices across a wide spectrum of traffic and transport.

We kindly encourage the authors to submit new abstracts/articles, respecting that еvery author can participate in with up to two papers (one as an author and one as a co-author), which is already mentioned on the Conference website, under section REQUIREMENTS.

Important dates: Abstract submission: 12.04 2021 - PLEASE NOTE THAT IF THERE IS A NEED, THE DEADLINES WILL BE EXTENDED

For more information check the website http://ttsconf.org/

We are looking forward to seeing you in Bitola.

2021-10-07 (Thursday)

[ETC]: 19th ETC, 07 - 08 October 2021, Maribor, Slovenia

The European Platform of Transport Sciences - EPTS Foundation e.V. - invites to the 19th European Transport Congress (ETC), which will be held from 7 to 8 October 2021 in Maribor, Slovenia. The Congress will be organized by the EPTS Foundation e.V.  and the University of Maribor.

The Topic of the Congress: European Green Deal, Challenges and Solutions for Mobility and Logistics in Cities

We are looking forward to meeting you all at the 19th ETC in Maribor.

Register now here

Or visit: http://www.epts.eu/etc2021

2021-10-07 (Thursday)

[EPC]: 7 - 8 October 2021 - 19th Eisenbahnkolloquium Vienna, Austria

19. Wiener Eisenbahnkolloquium

Wurde auf 7. - 8. Oktober 2021 verschoben, Ort: Technisches Museum Wien

Details folgen www.oevg.at

2021-09-30 (Thursday)

2. DACH-Kongress: Grenzüberschreitender Verkehr der Zukunft, 30.09. - 01.10.2021, Friedrichshafen, Germany

Internationaler Verkehrskongress Deutschland - Österreich - Schweiz
"Grenzüberschreitender Verkehr der Zukunft - Perspektiven des DACH-Raumes"
30. September – 01. Oktober 2021 in Friedrichshafen (DE)

Wir werden im Rahmen des 2. DACH-Kongresses für die Region Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz einen Blick in die Zukunft werfen. Wie wird der grenzüberschreitende Verkehr sich in den kommenden 50 Jahren weiter entwickeln?
Das ist die Leitfrage, unter der Wissenschaftler aller Generationen und Disziplinen eine Perspektive entwickeln sollen, die über den Alltagszugang hinausgeht. Werden wir internationaler werden? Wie helfen uns Digitalisierung und Dematerialisierung? Wie können wir offene Systeme sicher gestalten, damit sie langfristig die nötige gesellschaftliche Akzeptanz erfahren?

Für alle aktuellen Fragen rings um das Thema des grenzüberschreitenden Verkehrs werden wir versuchen, Ihnen bei unserer Tagung Antworten anzubieten. Bitte merken Sie sich diese einzigartige Veranstaltung schon jetzt vor.

Ihr internationales Veranstalter-Team aus EPTS, ÖVG, SVWG, DVWG, GDI und UEEIV

Hier geht es zur Registrierung für die Präsenzteilnahme

Hier geht es zur Registrierung für die Online-Teilnahme

2021-09-30 (Thursday)

[EPC]: ZIRP 2021, 30 September - 1 October 2021, Sibenik, Croatia

International Conference - The Science and Development of Transport

ZIRP 2021 - 30th September - 1st October 2021, Sibenik, Croatia

The main aim of the Conference is to inspire innovation in the transport industry by bringing together scientists and professionals to discuss innovative solutions and develop mechanisms for companies to implement them, promote new ideas and create relationships within the field. This year we focus on smart cities, but we will also explore other topics related to transport, logistics and aeronautics.

Please find more details on ZIRP website

2021-09-30 (Thursday)

[EPC]: SIET Roma 2021, 30.9. - 1.10.2021, Roma, Italy

We are pleased to announce that the XXIII Scientific Meeting of the Italian Society of Transport Economics and Logistics (SIET) will take place online on September 30th – October 1st, 2021.

The XXIII SIET Scientific Meeting is hosted by TRElab, at Department of Political Science, Roma Tre UniversityThe title of the Conference is “Resilience, Innovation and Behaviour Change in Transport”. A special session will be organised in memory of Prof. Giancarlo Polidori who passed away in 2020.

Further details will soon be circulated, please visit www.sietitalia.org

2021-09-22 (Wednesday)

[EPC]: 8th RSS 2021 Conference, 22-24 September 2021, Athens, Greece

The 8th Road Safety and Simulation Conference  - RSS 2021

will take place on 22 - 24 September 2021 in Athens, Greece. Hosted by the NTUA Road Safety Observatory (NRSO) in cooperation with the Helenic Institut of Transportation Engineers (HITE).

The Road Safety and Simulation Conference was etablished in Rome in 2007 as a biannual platform for road safety researchers and profesionals of different research backgrounds and expertise facilitating the sharing of individual experiences and state-of-the-art research in the area of Road Safety and Simulation.

Inportant dates https://www.nrso.ntua.gr/rss2021 and Call for Abstracts RSS2021

We will be very happy to welcome you to Athens.

2021-09-22 (Wednesday)

[EPC]: Horizons 2020, 22 - 23 September, 2021, Zilina, Slovak Republic

Horizons of railway transport 2020

Due to the current development of the epidemiological situation and regulations of the Health Office, the conference Horizons of Railway Transport is being postponed from the original date of October 6-7, 2020 to September 22-23, 2021.

Invitation to Conference in Horizons 2020

The good news is that the conference proceedings is already published online at:

2021-09-20 (Monday)

[EPC]: Euro-Trans 2021, 20 - 21 September 2021, Warsaw, Poland

17th International Scientific Conference Euro-Trans 2021

The Institute of Infrastructure, Transport and Mobility SGH Warsaw School of Economics, The Institute of Management of the University of Szczecin, and The Faculty of Economics of the University of Gdańsk are pleased to provide you with a status update and invite you to active participation in the 17th International Scientific Conference Euro-Trans 2021 - „Green Finance for Brownfield Transport Sector Transformation” held on 20-21 September 2021.

For more information euro-trans-2021 or https://www.epts.eu/downloads.html

2021-09-17 (Friday)

[EPC]: GdI, 17 - 18 September, 2021, Zurich, Switzerland

Die traditionsgemäss im Mai oder Juni stattfindende nationale Fachtagung und die Generalversammlung musste letztes Jahr zunächst auf den Oktober und dann auf Mai dieses Jahr verschoben werden. Auch dies wird wegen Corona noch nicht möglich sein. Der Anlass wird nun definitiv vom 16. – 18. Sept 2021 am Datum der ursprünglich geplanten Auslandsexkursion durchgeführt werden. Die Auslandsexkursion muss wegen den Reisebeschränkungen in Europa auf das Jahr 2022 verschoben werden. Die Reise in die Niederlande wird aber das ursprünglich geplante attraktive Reiseprogramm beibehalten, sodass uns nichts verloren geht.


2021-09-09 (Thursday)

[EPC]: XXI. Current Issues in Urban Transport, 9 - 10 September 2021, Visegrád, Hungary

XXI. Current Issues in Urban Transport Conference/E-mobility Conference (2in1)

This conference is the largest professional meeting of Hungarian urban transport, where designer engineers, transport service providers, manufacturers and scientists attend and give lectures. More information will be displayed later on this page

2021-09-02 (Thursday)

[EPC]: ÖVG Jahrestagung, 2 - 3 September 2021, Vienna, Austria

ÖVG-Jahrestagung 2021

Datum: 2. - 3. September 2021, Ort: Technische Universität Graz

Details und Anmeldung www.oevg.at

2021-08-12 (Thursday)

[EPC]: DVWG Jahresverkehrskongress 2021, 12 - 13 August 2021, Berlin, Germany

Weitere Informationen DVWG Jahresverkehrskongress-2021

2021-06-30 (Wednesday)

[EPC]: XIII International Scientific Conference, 30 June - 2 July 2021, Katowice, Poland

XIII International Scientific Conference - TRANSPORT PROBLEMS

30 June - 2 July 2021 in Katowice, Poland - will be held in an online way

Silesian University of Technology Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering.

For more information Conference&Symposium

2021-06-28 (Monday)

[EPC]: X International Symposium, 28 - 29 June 2021, Katowice, Poland

X International Symposium - TRANSPORT PROBLEMS

28 - 29 June 2021 in Katowice, Poland - An International Symposium of Young Researchers - will be held in an online way

Silesian University of Technology Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering in cooperation with University of ŽilinaFaculty of Operation and Economicsof Transport and Communications.

For more information Conference&Symposium

2021-06-10 (Thursday)

[EPC]: XI. Transport Science Conference, 10 - 11 June 2021, Győr Hungary

XI. Transport Science Conference

This international conference is the most powerful scientific conference of the Hungarian transportation, where prominent representatives of research projects will present in all areas of the transport sector, in several sections, in parallel. The only Hungarian conference in the transportation sector with full-text publication either in Hungarian or in English (especially for foreign researchers). More information will be displayed later on this page

2021-05-27 (Thursday)

[EPC]: SCSP 2021, 27 - 28 May 2021 Prague, Czech Republic

Smart Cities Symposium Prague 2021- In view of the current development of the pandemic, we have decided to prepare the conference as an online event at the moment.

The Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty Of Transportation Sciences invite you to participate in their 7th IEEE Smart City Symposium Prague, SCSP 2021. It will take place on May 27 and May 28, 2021 in Prague, Czech Republic.

The seventh annual conference aims on exchange of ideas and best practices in the field of Smart cities. It covers a whole range of topics, from the system point of view, through data mining and data processing, smart grids, up to multi-agent systems and other soft computing approaches. The Symposium will have a special focus on research addressing people’s behaviour, their selection of activities and travel behaviour. We will discuss also the changes due to pandemic.

Please continue to check this page for updates Smart Cities Symposium Praque 2021

Wishing you the very best!

2021-05-26 (Wednesday)

[EPC]: TRANSCOM 2021, 26 - 28 May 2021 Zilina, Slovakia


The University of Žilina is pleased to invite you to the 14th International Scientific Conference on Sustainable, Modern and Safe Transport,  TRANSCOM 2021 under the auspices of Jozef Jandačka, Rector of the University, which will be held from May 26 to May 28,  2021, in the High Tatras, Slovak Republic.

Based on the current health situation around the world will be delivered TRANSCOM 2021 ONLINE as Virtual Conference.

Main Topic/Subtopics, Scientific Committee, and other information are available at http://www.transcom-conference.com/

2021-05-11 (Tuesday)

[EPC]: The Day of Transport Culture, 11. May, Budapest, Hungary

Partners in transport, for transport, on the road, on water, on rails, and in the air.

May every day be the day of cultured transport! Transport culture is an existent concept, and its development and intensification is a national cause. Realizing this, the ministry and its partner organizations, in cooperation with the non-governmental sector, initiated the observance of the very first "Day of Transport Culture" on the 11th May 2015. The initiative has become a tradition and since then, every year, including May 11, 2020, partner organizations dedicated to the traffic culture and safe transport, hold awareness-raising events throughout the country.

Registration for DoTC 2021 will be available on this site DTC2020 as soon as possible. The website is being continuously updated.

For Invitation to organize events (activities) in your country related to the "Day of Transport Culture" to be held on 11 May 2021 visit https://www.epts.eu/downloads.html

2021-04-13 (Tuesday)

[EPC]: XXI. Transport Development and Investment Conference, 13 - 15 April 2021, Bükfürdő, Hungary

XXI. Transport Development and Investment Conference

This conference is the most significant development conference in the transportation industry in Hungary where investors and contractors can meet. The main topics of the lectures are regulations, development plans and the status of various projects. More information will be displayed later on this page

2021-03-16 (Tuesday)

[EPC]: DVWG Fachkongress, 16 - 17 March 2021, Hamburg, Germany

Lockdown Lessons in der Mobilität: Corona als Katalysator für den digitalen Transformationsprozess

Am 17. März 2021, 9 Uhr, Digital und Live aus dem Wälderhaus in Hamburg

Auf dem DVWG-Fachkongress 2021 werden ExpertInnen aus Wissenschaft, Politik und Wirtschaft diskutieren, welche Chancen und Herausforderungen Corona für den digitalen Transformationsprozess im Mobilitätssektor hervorgebracht hat und noch bringen wird.

Zur Anmeldung und zum Kongressprogramm DVWG-Fachkongress-2021

2020-11-10 (Tuesday)

[EPC]: 6. Deutscher Mobilitätskongress, 10 - 11 November 2020, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Aufgrund der aktuellen Lage für die Teilnehmer ausschließlich digital!

"Mobil trotz Klimawandel?!"
Die Deutsche Verkehrswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft e.V. (DVWG) mit ihren Partnern, der Rhein-Main-Verkehrsverbund GmbH (RMV) und der House of Logistics & Mobility GmbH (HOLM), bieten mit diesem Event eine zentrale Plattform, auf der die Debatte über die Zukunft von Verkehr und Mobilität branchen- und disziplinübergreifend geführt werden kann.
2020-11-04 (Wednesday)

VIRTUAL [EPC]: INAIR 2020, 4 – 5 November 2020, University of Zilina, Slovakia

VIRTUAL International Conference on Air Transport, University of Zilina, Slovakia

Due to the Coronavirus pandemic situation in the world, the 9th International Conference on Air Transport INAIR 2020 will not take place in Malta as originally planned.

About the Conference https://www.inairportal.uniza.sk/about-conference/

2020-10-29 (Thursday)

Online [EPC]: X. International Transport Science Conference, 29 - 30 October 2020, Győr-Moson-Sopron, Hungaria

Transport of the future - The future of transport
Patron of the Conference: Dr. László Mosóczi State Secretary for Transport Policy, ITM
Organizers: Department of Transport, István Széchenyi University, Győr-Moson-Sopron Territorial Organization of KTE
Registration and program KTE
2020-10-29 (Thursday)

[EPC]: 29 - 30 October 2020, RSL2020, Banja Luka, Republika Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

IX International conference "Road Safety In Local Community"
Supported by Traffic Safety Council of the Republic of Srpska and European Transport Safety Council

Every year the Republic of Srpska loses many valuable human lives and incurs enormous economic costs due to road accidents. Economic Institute in Banja Luka has calculated that the total road accident costs was estimated in total from 2008 to 2019 at around EUR 866.7M. In accordance with this, an international conference "Road Safety in the Local Community" is held each year, with the aim of constantly developing road safety capacities at the local level and creating groups of experts who will have enough enthusiasm, courage, and willingness to fight with this problem that our country is facing.

We are looking forward to seeing you in Banja Luka.


RSLC2020 Announcement and Invitation https://www.epts.eu/downloads.html

2020-10-27 (Tuesday)

[EPC]: 27 - 29 October 2020, 20th Jubilee Conference TST, Krakow, Poland

20th edition of the Transport System Telematics conference

On October 27th-29th, 2020, the 20th edition of the Transport System Telematics conference will be organized by the Polish Association of Transport Telematics. The conference will take place in Krakow in a hybrid form.


2020-10-12 (Monday)

NEW: also ONLINE STREAMING [ETC]: 18th ETC, 12 -14 October 2020, Rostock, Germany

The European Platform of Transport Sciences - EPTS Foundation e.V. - invites to the 18th European Transport Congress (ETC), which will be held in Rostock, Germany, from 12.-14.10.2020. Our German colleagues from DVWG (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern e.V.) are organising this extraordinary event.

The Topic of the Congress: "Innovative Transport Systems in European Logistic Networks  - Chances for Non-Metropolitan Regions"

The conference program and the registration are updated daily at www.epts.eu/etc2020


for those who can not travel to Rostock due Corona restrictions, we now offer the opportunity together with News&Art Media Company of an online streaming of the conference in english language. The ticket will cost only 25 EUR.

We are looking forward to meeting you in person or via online streaming at the 18th ETC in Rostock/Warnemünde

2020-09-30 (Wednesday)

[EPC]: 30.09. - 01.10.2020 - 18th Eisenbahnkolloquium Vienna, Austria

ÖPNV - Wachstum & Leistungsgrenzen

Bestärkt durch die aktuelle Klimadebatte befindet sich der öffentliche Verkehr in einem ungeahnten Aufwind. Das damit im Zusammenhang stehende Wachstum erzeugt umfassend zu bearbeitende Aufgabenstellungen für die Betreiber, die Industrie, die Politik. Quantität und Qualität des Angebots im ÖPNV stehen im Mittelpunkt der zu ergreifenden Maßnahmen, die eine nachhaltige Verlagerung des MIV hin zum ÖPNV ermöglichen sollen. Das Programm für das 18. Wiener Eisenbahnkolloquium gibt einen Überblick darüber, wie durch intelligentes Zusammenwirken der Gestaltung von Infrastrukturen, Fahrzeugen und digitaler  Anwendungsformen rasch und fahrgastgerecht der bisher erreichte Erfolg im ÖPNV nicht nur erhalten sondern weiter verbessert werden kann.

Programm und Anmeldung unter 18-wiener-eisenbahnkolloquium

2020-09-30 (Wednesday)

Abgesagt! [EPC]: Fachtagung Forschung ASTRA - SVI 2020, September 30, Bern

Aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie und der damit verbundenen Einschränkungen hat das ASTRA zusammen mit der SVI die schwierige Entscheidung getroffen, die Forschungstagung vom 30. September 2020 abzusagen. Wir bedauern diesen Schritt ausserordentlich.

Weitere Infos unter https://www.svi.ch/de/

2020-09-29 (Tuesday)

online [EPC]: ZIRP 2020, 29 -30 September, Sibenik, Croatia

"Transformation of Transportation"

To keep everyone safe during the COVID-19 pandemic, we have decided to move this year’s conference ZIRP 2020 Online. All invited speeches and panel discussions, as well as all paper presentations, will be held as scheduled on 29-30th September 2020 using one ZOOM platform. In light of the present situation, the fee for accepted papers will be reduced to 150€. Other participants may take part in the conference free of charge.
To attend Conference, please register ZIRP2020
2020-09-09 (Wednesday)

AET, 09 - 11 September 2020, Online Conference, Italy

AET as an online event

For the first time in the history of the ETC the conference will be organized in an online format. The conference will keep its unique identity of a multi-disciplinary, multi-seminar format but in an online environment.  There will be a choice of up to 10 simultaneous seminars per day plus plenary sessions on the first and second days. AET is working to update all information in the website to reflect the new format of the coming conference and provide all necessary information for delegates.

To view previous conferences please visit the European Transport Conference page

2020-08-06 (Thursday)

[EPC]: Golden Chariot International Award, August 6 2020, online video conference

In order to prepare for the event in Brussels (on November 18-20, 2020), we have collectively decided to hold an international online video conference on August 6, 2020. We will discuss the content of the forthcoming reports, speeches, and proposals with the members of the Prize Organizing Committee. The morning session will also include the 52nd meeting of the Russian Aviation Production Leaders Club. ​​The topic of discussion will revolve around the topic of Human Capital in Civil Aviation and its significant impact on technological activities.


The time of the online conference was not chosen by chance: on August 6, 2020, the whole world will celebrate unforgettable dates: International Day “Doctors of the World for Peace” (40 Flet) and Hiroshima Day (75 Flet). During the coronavirus, the warning of one of the Strugatsky brothers was filled with new meaning: “There is no worse future!”. In order, not to repeat the mistakes of the past, it is sometimes useful to rethink the present. Now is the time to assess new challenges and navigate the future development of both transport systems and other areas of life and the economy.

Albert Zhukov, Owner of the Golden Chariot Award

2020-06-25 (Thursday)

[EPC]: SCSP 2020, Prague, Czech Republic

Smart Cities Symposium Prague 2020

The Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty Of Transportation Sciences announces the change of the symposium date to 25.6.2020. The symposium will be organized in a shortened, one-day version. It will be based on virtual (remote online) participation (so no travel needed).

Smart Cities Symposium Prague 2020

2019-12-03 (Tuesday)

[EPC]: ÖVG/IRE Fachkonferenz "Wien und Bratislava", Bratislava, Slovakia

Wien und Bratislava

Eine Logistik -und Verkehrsregion?

3. Dezember 2019, Spiegelsaal der Stadt Bratislava, Slowakei

In Kooperation mit IRE/Uni Zilina/EPTS/ÖVG

Weitere Infos und Anmeldung unter

ÖVG/IRE Wien und Bratislava


Programm und Anmeldung Wien und Bratislava

2019-11-26 (Tuesday)

[EPC]: 5. Deutscher Mobilitätskongress, Frankfurt, Germany

Mobilität in Ballungsräumen – Chancen und Herausforderungen 26. und 27. November 2019 in Frankfurt am Main im Rahmen der Hypermotion.

Der 5. Deutsche Mobilitätskongress findet in Kooperation mit der Messe Frankfurt im Rahmen der Hypermotion statt. Die Hypermotion ist die erste Plattform für die digitale Transformation als übergeordnetes Leitthema und bietet über alle Verkehrsträger hinweg eine Mischung aus interaktiver Messe, spannenden Konferenzen sowie dem Hypermotion-Lab als Arena für Start-ups.
Das Leitthema des diesjährigen Kongresses ist Städtische Mobilität der Zukunft. Vor dem Hintergrund der suburbanen Entwicklungsprozesse der Vergangenheit sehen sich Stadt- und Verkehrsplaner neuen Herausforderungen gegenüber. Die gestiegenen Ansprüche an Mobilität und Lebensqualität erfordern die Entwicklung neuer gesellschaftlicher und umweltpolitischer Ansätze und Handlungspotenziale.

Informationen und Anmeldung: DMK2019

Weitere Informationen: https://hypermotion-frankfurt.messefrankfurt.com/frankfurt/de.html

2019-11-14 (Thursday)

[EPC]: Conference LOGI 2019, Ceske Budejovice, CZ

Dear Academicians and Researchers,

we are glad to inform you that 20th volume of the international scientific conference "LOGI 2019" is being organised 14th – 15th November 2019 in České Budějovice, Czech Republic. "Horizons of autonomous mobility in Europe" by Department of Transport and Logistics, Institute of Technology and Business in Ceske Budejovice. The LOGI 2019 conference is annual event focused on current topics and trends regarding transport and logistics issues especially related to the operation of all transport modes and transport-logistics technologies. This volume’s conference LOGI 2019 aims to discuss the issue of autonomous mobility and its impact on social, industry, transport and regional economic sectors in future.

Venue: Clarion Congress Hotel České Budějovice, Pražská třída 14, 370 04  České Budějovice, Czech Republic.

Website of the LOGI 2019 conference:Conference LOGI 2019

2019-10-09 (Wednesday)

[AET]: European Transport Conference, Dublin, Ireland

Dublin Castle hosts the 47th European Transport Conference, 9 - 11 October 2019 in Dublin, Ireland.

The annual European Transport Conference brings together researchers, policy makers and practitioners around ideas and visions of transport at European, national, regional and local level.

Find more information here: The 47th European Transport Conference, Dublin

2019-09-27 (Friday)

[EPC]: Eurotrans 2019 - invitation & call for abstracts

Institute of Infrastructure, Transport and Mobility of the Warsaw School of Economics and
Faculty of Management and Economics of Services of the University of Szczecin invite you to the
XV International Scientific Conference Euro-Trans 2019 "The Application of AI in Mobility Systems and Supply Chains" which will take place on September 27, 2019 in Warsaw, Poland

Please find the invitation & call for abstracts to the Eurotrans 2019 conference in Warsaw here: Info EuroTrans 2019 (EPTS)

2019-09-12 (Thursday)

[EPC]: XIX. Current Issues in Urban Transport Conference, Visegrád, Hungary

XIX. Current Issues in Urban Transport Conference
Date: 12-13 September 2019
Location: Silvanus Hotel **** (2025 Visegrád, Panoráma street 2, Hungary)
Patron of the conference: Dr. János Fónagy, Parliamentary Secretary, Deputy Minister

This year's meeting of urban transport professionals will be held in Visegrád. The features of the venue make it possible to speak in several sections and more in the form of a presentation. In addition to the invited speakers, we are looking forward to applying for the following topics:
- current smart solutions for urban mobility
- mobility as a service
- new, innovative solutions in traffic planning
The language of the conference is Hungarian. For the speakers, attendance at the conference is free of charge on the day of the lecture, and is discounted at the full conference.

Please find the invitation on the homepage of our EPTS-member the KTE here: Visegrád 2019_September_12-13.

2019-06-12 (Wednesday)

17th European Transport Congress (ETC), 12th to 14th June 2019 in Bratislava, Slovakia

A prospect to ETC 2019:

The 17th ETC will be held from 12-14th June 2019 in Bratislava, Slovakia. The Congress will be organized by the University of Zilina, their team decided to organize the Congress in the Slovakian Capital due to the better centrality of the location.

2019-04-25 (Thursday)

DACH - Transport Congress, from 25th to 26th of April 2019 in Bregenz, Austria

Our tri-national Transport Congress "Growing traffic streams - do new technologies offer a way out?" takes place from 25th to 26th April 2019 in Bregenz/Austria.

On the first day the demands of growing traffic streams will be highlighted from both, the business and the national economic side. Modern technologies´contributions to fulfil these demands will be examined in detail alike. On the second day the potential of optimisation of both the infrastructure and the running of transport services by new technologies for rail and road will be discussed. Starting keynotes and a high level panel discussion at the end of the Congress will round up this new format. This is the place to be, if you want to know more about solutions (not only) for the Alpine Corridor. Attention: This Congress will be held in German language.

Save the date - DACH-Verkehrskongress.pdf

2018-09-24 (Monday)

16th European Transport Congress (ETC), from 24th to 25th of September 2018 in Warszawa, Poland

"Mobility and European Transport Space"

The European Platform of Transport Sciences (EPTS) invites to the 16th European Transport Congress (ETC) "Mobility and European Transport Space", which will be held from 24th to 25th of September 2018 in Warszawa, Poland.The Congress will be organized by the Warsaw School of Economics, Poland.

"Mobility in Europe is a great challenge for transport policy makers and scientists, for citizens and economy. It is of crucial importance from the point of view of quality of life and competition. This is why the XIV Eurotrans International Conference combined with the XVI European Transport Congress (ETC) of the European Platform for Transport Sciences is devoted to the topic “Mobility and European Transport Space”."

- Prof. Boguslaw Liberadzki, Vice-President of the European Parliament, Brussels -


The Congress venue and the preliminary program can be seen here:
