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It is with great pleasure for us to inform you about the inauguration of the 20th European Friedrich-List-Award 2025 for young transport scientists.

Application deadline: February 14th, 2025

The Award will be conferred during the 23rd European Transport Congress in Paris, France. Please find the description of the announcement and contact in the attached PDF file

Review: Middle of September, the 22nd ETC took place in Poland. A European transport congress, perfectly organized by the SGH Warsaw. This year's ETC was joined the 20th International Scientific Conference EURO-TRANS 2024 with the Topic "Mobility and Logistics Sectors in a Redefined Framework"
The Homepage with further information is still available at eurotrans2024/22ETC

A prospect to 2025: The 23rd ETC will be held in Paris, France, from 26 to 27 June 2025. The colleagues from the CY Cergy Paris Université are just planning the event.
The Topic of the upcoming Congress: "Future of European transport : infrastructure, service and technologies"
The Homepage and further information will be available soon.